Kacper Nadolski, one of Poland’s most talented karting drivers, put up a unique item for a WOŚP auction in liaison with the Poznań-Ławica WOŚP team! It is a racing helmet with the signature of Bruce Liu, the classical music star and winner of last year’s Chopin Piano Competition. The virtuoso, and privately a fan of karting, signed the helmet during the October racing track meeting with the young hope of Polish automotive sports.
“It is an exceptional item, showing that two seemingly distant worlds, that of automotive sports and of classical music, can go together” says Kacper Nadolski, one of the most talented Polish karting drivers, competing internationally in the prestigious KZ2 category. “Hopefully, the item will find a buyer and the money from the auction will contribute to ensuring top diagnostic and treatment standards in treating eye conditions in children, which is the purpose of the 30th Grand Final of Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (WOŚP) charity campaign”.
Helmet Arai SK-6 (size L- 59-60cm), FIA-approved for karting and bearing the signature of Bruce Liu, the winner of last year’s Chopin Piano Competition, will be auctioned on Allegro e-shopping website by the Poznań- Ławica WOŚP team. Link to the auction: https://allegro.pl/oferta/kask-z-podpisem-zwyciezcy-konkursu-chopinowskiego-11717720014. The auction ends on 6 February. The asking price is PLN 5k.

How did it come about that Bruce Liu, the winner of this year’s Chopin Piano Competition and Kacper Nadolski of Poznań, driver for the Polish national team, representing Poland in the international competition in prestigious KZ2 karting category, met on the racing track? It turned out that the piano virtuoso is a fan of karting and does some amateur racing. Wojciech Nentwig, the director of the Poznań Philharmonic, said he would arrange for a karting ride for the winner in Poznań, where the 24-year-old Canadian played his last concert in Poland on 30 October. Then, one of the most talented Polish karting drivers jumped into action. He contacted the Poznań Philharmonic and suggested he would join Bruce Liu on the track. The proposal of the 18-year-old Poznaner was accepted.